DIA Test‐Space with Minikube

Developing, Testing, and Building the DIA platform with Minikube

Preparing the local files

  1. Clone repo and change directory:

git clone git@github.com:diadata-org/diadata.git
cd diadata

Preparing a local cluster

Note: Minikube runs on a virtualization layer on the host. The docker driver is usually the recommended and default option and should be seen as a requirement. For other supported drivers, please refer to Minikube's official documentation. You can also check Minikube's handbook for advanced command usage.

  1. First, install dependencies: Minikube and Docker.

  2. Next, start the development environment by running the following command to start a Minikube node:

./testenv.sh start
  1. Build the necessary service containers by executing the following commands:

./testenv.sh build
  1. Run the installation script to set up the necessary services (Redis cache, Kafka streams, PostgreSQL, and InfluxDB databases) by executing the following commands:

./testenv.sh install

Now that you have the local cluster running, you are ready to start.

  1. import the test data from the diadata snapshot service: This requires the default structure to be empty and created inside the postgres server. The script will automatically download the snapshot, install it and remove the downloaded snapshot again.

./testenv.sh snapshot

Other useful commands

To stop the cluster:

./testenv.sh stop

To delete the cluster node:

./testenv.sh delete

Last updated