Add a new liquidity scraper

Add a new liquidity scraper

Implement LiquidityScraper interface at pkg/dia/scraper/liquidity-scrapers/ScraperInterface.go file

type LiquidityScraper interface {
	Pool() chan dia.Pool
	Done() chan bool
  1. Add a scraper implementation, MyLiquidityScraper.go file to pkg/dia/scraper/liquidity-scrapers/ folder implement the functions:

func (scraper *MyLiquidityScraper) Pool() chan dia.Pool {}
func (scraper *MyLiquidityScraper) Done() chan bool {}
  1. Add a constructor for the scraper:

func NewMyLiquidityScraper(exchange dia.Exchange) *MyLiquidityScraper {}

Liquidity Command

go mod tidy -go=1.16 && go mod tidy -go=1.17 && go install && liquidityScraper -exchange=ExchangeName

Liquidity Test

go mod tidy -go=1.16 && go mod tidy -go=1.17 && go install && liquidityScraper -exchange=EXCHANGE_NAME
  • PlatypusFinance: go mod tidy -go=1.16 && go mod tidy -go=1.17 && go install && liquidityScraper -exchange=PlatypusFinance

  • Orca: go mod tidy -go=1.16 && go mod tidy -go=1.17 && go install && SOLANA_URI_REST= liquidityScraper -exchange=Orca