⚙ī¸DIA technical structure

Architecture overview

DIA boasts a modular architecture, engineered for comprehensive data coverage across a multitude of sources, asset price feeds, and supported blockchains. This architecture is composed of three integral components: Collection, Computation, and Publication. We currently support over 30 different blockchain networks.

1. Collection

At the heart of DIA is our data collection system, a mechanism that fetches granular market data from a broad range of on-chain and off-chain exchanges, including Centralized Exchanges (CEXs), Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs), and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) marketplaces, amongst others. Through the availability of billions of trades, we enable the creation of resilient, high-confidence price feeds.

Data sourcing at DIA is accomplished through exchange scrapers, developed by both DIA and our growing community of contributors. These scrapers are integral in the creation of price feeds for assets across all networks – there is no reliance on third-party premium data providers.

Learn more:

Data sourcing

2. Computation

DIA employs transparent computational methodologies to process raw trade data into reliable feeds. From outlier cleansing filters to sophisticated pricing techniques, our computation system can handle diverse requirements.

From developing straightforward Time-Weighted Volume Average Price (TWVAP) asset price feeds to crafting complex, use-case-specific price feeds, our capabilities are comprehensive. The uniqueness of our user's scenarios and needs guides our computation process, and we're always ready to assist in developing new methodologies.

Learn more:

Data computation

3. Publication

Upon the creation of a price feed, it is published via API endpoint. This data feed then gets pushed on-chain, wrapped in oracle smart contracts. Our decentralized network of nodes takes on the responsibility of pushing oracle data on-chain, currently servicing 30+ major L1/L2 blockchains.

Learn more:

Data delivery methods

By unifying collection, computation, and publication, DIA provides a transparent end-to-end process that allows users to access accurate, timely data for their unique needs.

Last updated