Request an oracle

Introduction to DIA's custom oracles

DIA deploys bespoke oracles per dApp, offering highly customizable feeds that are individually tailored to each use case's needs. This ensures that the data and oracle remain robust and resilient to the market conditions and provide a global market as well as specific individual or cross-chain market prices.

The typical process and steps involved in deploying and utilizing a custom oracle are as follows:

StepInformationLearn more


Users can start the oracle request process by getting in touch with the team via Telegram/Discord or submitting a proposal on the Forum.

Oracle design: Assets

Users select the desired assets to build price feeds for. See all currently supported assets by visiting DIA's data library. Any other asset can also be added on demand.

Oracle design: Data sources

Users pick which exchanges and DEX pools to use as a source to build the feeds. See all currently supported sources by visiting DIA's data library. New markets can also be added on demand.

Oracle design: Methodologies

Users define how to treat the data by applying data cleansing filters and pricing methodologies. See the set of methodologies DIA currently offers. New ones can also be created on demand.

Oracle design: Update mechanism

Users define the mechanisms that will trigger the oracles to update. See the update triggers DIA currently offers. New ones can also be made available on demand.

Oracle design: Target network

Users select in which blockchain network(s) the oracle shall be deployed, as well as testnet oracle deployment is required.


The DIA team will gather oracle design specifications. After an internal review and confirmation with the user, the oracle deployment will commence.

Gas funding

Upon completion of deployment, users are provided with the oracle's address and its gas wallet address. It's crucial to maintain sufficient network tokens in the gas wallet to ensure the oracle's operation.

Oracle monitoring

DIA provides analytics and monitoring tools to track the status of the user's feeds and oracles. Users can set up notifications to stay informed.

[coming soon]

Start request process

Once you've comprehended the procedure for requesting a custom oracle with DIA, you can initiate your process by contacting DIA in the following three ways:

Integrations team

For a consultation with the DIA integrations team, get in touch via Telegram or Discord. The team will gather the requirements and create a solution proposal for you. Once it’s approved, the oracle deployment will commence.

Forum request

If you already have a specific implementation in mind, you can directly and autonomously submit a “Custom Delivery Request” in the DIA Forum. The oracle will be deployed according to the specs.

DIA Oracle Builder

Developers can autonomously and instantly deploy a custom price oracle using DIA’s latest self-service tool: DIA Oracle Builder. Currently only available for token price oracles.

Request examples

Here are a few examples of custom oracle requests:


  • Protocol: Silo Finance

  • Integration: Arbitrum native assets price feeds for Silo Finance Lending Protocol.

Request information


The following assets will be included in the oracle:

Asset TickerAsset BlockchainAsset AddressAsset Markets OverviewTrades Aggregation Window Size



120 sec



120 sec




120 sec


  • Pricing methodology: Moving Average Price with Interquartile Range (MAIR) will be used to calculate the asset price. Learn more about it here

  • Update mechanism: deviation + time

    • 0.5% deviation threshold for each asset

    • The feed will be updated every 24h period if there are no deviation-based updates

  • Update frequency: 120 sec updates frequency check will be applied

Delivery information

  • Delivery Method: Oracles on Arbitrum network

  • Is testnet deploy required: No

  • Delivery Estimate: As soon as possible


  • Additional relevant information: N/A

See all custom oracle delivery request in th

Last updated