Demo price oracles

Overview of demo oracle for testing purposes on supported chains

Please note: These demo oracles are NOT intended to be used in live production.

DIA's Demo Oracles are for testing purposes only. Demo oracles are upgraded and exchanged continuously and provide limited asset prices.

To access all of DIA's asset prices and request oracles for production environments, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

All DIA demo oracles include the following assets price information, delivered in USD:




To query the price data use the same format as in the bullet points. To learn more about how to access DIA's oracles, visit the following page:

Access the Oracle

The audit of our oracle smart contract can be found here


Note: Test oracle only. For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation


Note: Test oracle only. For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation

Arbitrum Nova

Note: Test oracle on.y For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation


Note: Test oracle only. For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation


Note: Test oracle only. For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation


Note: Test oracle only. For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation


Note: Test oracle only. For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation


Note: Test oracle only. For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation


Note: Test oracle only. For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation

zkEVM Polygon

Note: Test oracle only. For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation


Note: Test oracle only. For production-ready oracles, talk to our integrations teams or request a custom data delivery via Forum.

Smart Contract AddressUpdate Frequency

1h hearbeat with 0.5% deviation

Last updated